+1 587-707-4816

Tax Credit File Generation Software


A clear featured original QUALITY content desktop application for registered student’s fee tax calculation that

maintains CRM tax calculations, generate reports and keeps record precisely. 


Some basic management and functionalities to run the applications such as list of programs against which entities are enrolled. Locations and addresses, types of institution and fee.

Record search form fields to search entire record of each module with basic editing functionalities like Add, Edit, Delete, Activate, and Deactivate the entries.

Well decorated icons, search boxes and user friendly interface


Defining standards and rules of the entities with details. Inserting records with all required fields and payments against each.

Adding new entries, edit, delete, duplicate, activate and deactivate. 

The strategies, the model and details about the software


All fee related reports with fine detailed description.  

Well documented and labeled reports representation in PDF. 

Fine arrangement of the layout with types of reports such as Fee Summary, Fee Ledger, and Fee Slip

Reports can be downloaded or email to respective entities.



Admin panel for user management and roles. 

Roles and responsibilities of the operators are handled by the super admin.  

Add new user, edit, delete, activate, and deactivate